"In the past, we faced challenges with cleaning because the quality didn’t meet our expectations. Now, our office is as clean as we agreed it should be! Working with Siskon Siivous is easy and seamless. Cleaning is always done on time, and the team is great to work with."
Pauliina Luukkainen
"Keeping our office clean used to be a challenge, and we couldn’t always rely on having a clean, ready-to-use space in the mornings. Cleaners kept changing, and communication was difficult. Siskon Siivous has solved this by providing us with a dedicated cleaner and listening to our needs. Collaboration is effortless, messages are answered quickly, and the operations are well-organized. We value the quality of cleaning, flexibility, and genuine care for their employees!"
Ingela Lindroos
"Siskon Siivous maintains regular contact with us, not just when issues arise, and their staff always come to work with a smile. What we appreciate most is the stability in their management and cleaning team over the years. The standards have remained consistent, and they have stayed true to their service promise—not just for weeks or months, but for years. High-quality service has become a given for us."
Turkka Huhtala
Filmlike Oy
"We have a great and straightforward relationship with the person responsible for our account. Siskon Siivous offers excellent value for money, and I feel they genuinely want to understand and know their customers. We aren’t just another line in a spreadsheet among thousands. They truly aim to get to know us to provide a service tailored specifically for our needs."
Anna Berglind
"We can clearly see the results of excellent cleaning work! Collaboration runs smoothly, the cleaning quality is great, and there’s a strong focus on open customer service and satisfaction. It’s easy to discuss and agree on matters. I warmly recommend Siskon Siivous."
Susanna Kanttura
As Oy Raision Viheriäistentammi
“Yhteistyömme toimistosiivouksessa on sujunut mutkattomasti ja hyvin. Kaikki on mennyt niin kuin ollaan sovittu aikoinaan sopimusta tehdessä. Siivouksen taso on hyvää, asioihin reagoidaan, henkilökunta pyritään pitämään samana ja entiset haasteet toimistossa eivät ole kanssanne ongelmia. Suosittelemme teitä eteenpäin!”
Maaret Fagerström
Saipu Oy
"We were looking for a cleaning company for our showroom that could deliver high-quality cleaning. We wanted a partner who could provide us with a dedicated cleaner and was the right size for our needs—small enough to offer personalized service but with enough experience and staff to handle the job. We value the ability to define the cleaning details ourselves and the ease of communication. We appreciate Siskon Siivous for their staff’s positivity, the high quality of their cleaning, and the effortless communication."
Satu Miettinen
Isku Interior Oy
“Asiakaspalvelu on ollut laadukasta ja joustavaa. Siivouksen jälki on hyvää ja asiakastyytyväisyyteen panostetaan oikeasti. Muutoksista, koskivat ne aikatauluja tai työtoiveita, on helppo keskustella. Siivoukset toteutuvat ajallaan ja reklamaatioihin reagoidaan heti. Taloyhtiön tiloissa näkee selkeästi eroon entiseen, paikat pysyvät kunnossa.”
Susanna Kanttura
Hallituksen puheenjohtaja
As Oy Raision Viheriäistentammi
"The Helsinki Bourse Club welcomes around 20,000 visitors annually, which places high demands on cleaning. Maintaining our historic and prestigious building requires special knowledge of materials, and it is essential that the correct products and tools are used. We value Siskon Siivous for their seamless collaboration and their commitment to ensuring their employees’ professionalism and well-being. This allows us to focus on our work, confident that our premises are always in impeccable condition."
Michael Nyman
The Helsinki Bourse Club
“Yhteistyömme toimistosiivouksessa on sujunut mutkattomasti ja hyvin. Kaikki on mennyt niin kuin ollaan sovittu aikoinaan sopimusta tehdessä. Siivouksen taso on hyvää, asioihin reagoidaan, henkilökunta pyritään pitämään samana ja entiset haasteet toimistossa eivät ole kanssanne ongelmia. Suosittelemme teitä eteenpäin!”
Maaret Fagerström
Saipu Oy
"Your customer service is excellent! We’ve worked together with your supervisors to improve our operations and received a lot of expert guidance and advice on cleaning. The cleaning is always done on time and as promised!"
Päivi Lapveteläinen
Hiisi Homes
"From the start, our collaboration with Siskon Siivous has gone smoothly. I’ve always been able to quickly reach the right person, and issues have been resolved promptly. Thank you to all the cleaners at our hotel for your cheerful attitude. Your wonderful ‘everything can be solved’ mindset is truly inspiring!"
Emmi Silvasti
Hotel Korpilampi
"We have great confidence in the expertise of Tiina Timonen, the Hospital Cleaning Service Manager—she is easy to reach, always available to help, and proactive in considering the needs of the service buyer. On the surgical ward, we appreciate the familiar cleaners, excellent collaboration, and their humble attitude toward work. The best part is their pride in the professional work they do."
Sari Terho
“Yhteistyömme toimistosiivouksessa on sujunut mutkattomasti ja hyvin. Kaikki on mennyt niin kuin ollaan sovittu aikoinaan sopimusta tehdessä. Siivouksen taso on hyvää, asioihin reagoidaan, henkilökunta pyritään pitämään samana ja entiset haasteet toimistossa eivät ole kanssanne ongelmia. Suosittelemme teitä eteenpäin!”
Maaret Fagerström
Saipu Oy
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PLEASE CLICK HERE! Please note we only accept applications received through our recruitment system.
Ruosilantie 11
00390 Helsinki
Tel. 029 3400 900
Open: Mon-Fri 8 AM-4 PM
Business ID 0977912-9