Additional services

We are proud of our wide and versatile range of services, enabling us to serve our customers holistically. Our goal is to provide all the maintenance and cleaning services needed for your premises in one place, making it easy and saving your resources. This is why we aim to create detailed annual service plans to avoid surprises and eliminate the need for clients to find separate providers for different tasks.

In addition to regular and deep cleaning, we offer additional services to help you manage your overall cleanliness needs more effectively.

Explore our additional services on this page and feel free to inquire about the services you’re interested in!

Porrassiivous Siskon Siivoukselta.

Ikkunanpesut yrityksille
ammattitaitoisesti ja nopeasti

Puhtaat ikkunat parantavat työympäristöä ja työskentelyolosuhteita sekä viestivät myös positiivisesti yrityksestäsi asiakkaillesi.

Additional Services for Businesses

When starting regular cleaning services, we also offer a more comprehensive initial cleaning. This can include tasks such as window cleaning, refrigerator cleaning, and cleaning high surfaces.

We provide rental mats and textiles. Contact us for more information!

We supply items such as hand soap, hand towels, toilet paper, and more. Ask us for details!

We handle all necessary supply refills for you. Get in touch for more information!

We provide all cleaning chemicals, such as laundry detergents and dishwasher tablets, conveniently.

We can include plant watering as part of your regular cleaning service.

We manage meeting refreshments and procure coffee supplies for you.

Want to outsource all those small office tasks? Our office host/hostess can handle cleaning, brewing morning coffee, arranging meetings, shopping, restocking paper towels, welcoming guests, and receiving deliveries.

Learn more about our office cleaning services.

Laadukasta siivouspalvelua

Työmme on dataohjattua. Kirjaamme mm. kaikki omavalvonnat (itse tehdyt laatuarvioinnit), yhdessä kanssanne tehdyt laatukierrokset ja saamamme palautteet toiminnanohjausjärjestelmäämme, joten olemme aina ajan tasalla tilojesi ja asiakkuutesi osalta. 

Siskon Siivouksen sydän on asiakkaillemme suunniteltu digitaalinen palvelukeskus, jossa saatte juuri omiin tarpeisiinne räätälöidyn kokonaisuuden. Näette palvelukeskuksessa ajantasaisesti tärkeät mittarit ja voitte kommunikoida asiakaspalvelumme ja yhteyshenkilönne kanssa.

Why choose Siskon Siivous?

A Truly comprehensive cleaning service
You can fully outsource your cleaning to us. Our skilled and trained cleaners ensure that your premises are left clean, presentable, and ready for use after each cleaning session.
Responsible cleaning
We take care of our employees’ working conditions and ensure their well-being. We continuously optimize routes to reduce the CO2 emissions of our vehicles. The products and tools we use are environmentally friendly, minimizing chemical usage to protect surfaces and reduce chemical exposure. We also offer completely chemical-free cleaning solutions.
Cost-effective and tailored cleaning services
Our services are customized to meet your needs and budget. We ensure the right service level and use the latest technologies, such as mechanical cleaning methods, microfibers, and robotics, to improve efficiency and precision. We also use tools like visitor counters to monitor actual cleaning needs, achieving cost savings.
Dedicated contact person
You’ll have a dedicated contact person who is easy to reach and can handle all your concerns. This ensures quick responses to your needs and smooth communication.
Consistent, familiar cleaner
We believe that every employee should take pride in their work and workplace every day. By prioritizing employee well-being, we have exceptionally low absenteeism and turnover rates.
Trained personnel
All our employees receive comprehensive onboarding, focusing on respect for the client and excellent service. By the end of 2024, every supervisor and manager will hold a professional qualification and a workplace safety card.

Siskon Siivous

"Working with Siskon Siivous is easy and smooth. Our office is just as clean as we agreed! Cleaning is done on time and the staff is nice."

Pauliina Luukkainen

"Our office is always tidy! We have our own designated cleaner and our needs are listened to. We value planning, quality, flexibility and taking care of your employees!"

Ingela Lindroos

"The cleaners always come to work with a smile on their faces. What we like most is that there is very little turnover! You have a set a standard for quality service."

Turkka Huhtala
Filmlike Oy

"We have a good and straightforward relationship with the person responsible for us. The price-quality ratio is right and I feel that people genuinely want to know us."

Anna Berglind

"We can see the results of good cleaning work in concrete terms! The cooperation is of high quality, it is easy to discuss and agree on things. I warmly recommend Siskon Siivous."

Susanna Kanttura
As Oy Raision Viheriäistentammi

"We have 20 000 visitors a year and that makes high demands on cleaning. Cooperation is straightforward and the professionalism and well-being of the staff are taken care of. We can concentrate on our work."

Michael Nyman
The Helsinki Bourse Club

"I've always been able to get in touch with the right person quickly and get things resolved quickly. Thanks to all the cleaners in our hotel for their cheerful attitude. You have a great "can do" attitude!"

Emmi Silvasti
Hotelli Korpilampi

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PLEASE CLICK HERE! Please note we only accept applications received through our recruitment system.

© 2024 Siskon Siivous Oy