24/7 cleaning on-call

Siskon Siivous provides 24/7 on-call cleaning services for businesses in Uusimaa, addressing urgent cleaning needs quickly and efficiently. Call us 029 3400 900.

  • Water damage
  • Sewage damage
  • Fire damage
  • Vandalism or burglary cleanup
  • Biohazard cleaning
  • Other unexpected cleaning services
Siivouspalvelu yrityksille Siskon Siivous.

When you need
professional cleaners quickly

Our 24/7 cleaning on-call service assists businesses with urgent cleaning needs in Uusimaa.

Emergency cleaning services for urgent needs

What kind of urgent cleaning do you need? Contact us, and together we’ll discuss the best solutions for your situation!

Siskon Siivous employees are cleaning professionals trained to handle special situations.

Our services include epidemic cleaning and specialized cleaning, such as disinfection cleaning following a confirmed or suspected infection. We also offer enhanced cleaning services for all premises as needed.

In addition to enhanced cleaning and disinfection services, we provide businesses with UniqAir air purifiers and Nocospray disinfection devices. Combining these with professional cleaning ensures our clients' workspaces are safe quickly.

The Nocospray disinfection device sanitizes all surfaces in a room within hours, allowing immediate reuse without risk of contamination. It is ideal for healthcare facilities where extended closures are not feasible.

During disinfection, the Nocospray disperses a dry hydrogen peroxide vapor throughout the room, effectively reaching every surface, including soft furnishings and the contents of open drawers. This vapor penetrates areas that are otherwise difficult to clean through traditional methods. Rooms are first cleaned using standard maintenance cleaning methods before the disinfectant vapor is applied.

During and for one hour following the disinfection process, no people or open food/medical equipment can be present in the treated area. Once the vapor has settled, the space is entirely safe to use, free of any contamination risk.

The UniqAir air purifier complements disinfection cleaning by removing 99.7% of all harmful pollutants from the air. As the air passes through the purifier, all coronavirus particles are captured within the filter. Tested and certified by VTT and TTL, UniqAir is proven safe and effective.

UniqAir can be used in spaces with people, food, or medical supplies, making it ideal for stores, beauty salons, offices, and healthcare waiting rooms. Clean air is provided immediately after starting the device.

Designed for ease of use, UniqAir features a simple start button and two settings to control airflow speed. The device draws air from the top, filters it through a three-stage process, and releases purified air from the bottom, ensuring thorough circulation. The UniqAir L model provided by Siskon Siivous efficiently cleans the air in spaces up to 60 m² within an hour. It operates quietly and uses as much electricity as a standard light bulb.

In addition to air purification, disinfection of contact surfaces is performed to ensure maximum safety, making air purification an integral part of our disinfection cleaning services.

Aseptic cleaning refers to cleaning procedures for environments requiring a high level of cleanliness. The goal is to remove contaminants without spreading them. While essential in healthcare settings, aseptic cleaning is also utilized in food retail spaces, restroom cleaning, and even domestic cleaning.

This method involves following an aseptic workflow, ensuring cleaning is performed systematically from clean to dirty areas and from top to bottom. Methods include damp, wet, and soaked cleaning, with all wet processes followed by thorough drying.

By adhering to the aseptic workflow, we ensure a hygienic and high-quality outcome for all cleaning tasks.

Vältä ongelmat, valitse laatu – toimistosiivous Siskon Siivoukselta

Etsitkö toimistoosi ammattitaitoista siivousyritystä huolehtimaan sen puhtaudesta? Oletko pettynyt nykyisen tai edellisen siivousfirman toimintaan ja haluat löytää paremman vaihtoehdon? Siivouksen laatu on huonoa? Siivooja ei saavu paikalle, vaikka pitäisi? Vastuuhenkilöä ei saa kiinni? Reklamaatioihin ei reagoida?

Siivous on työtä, johon kiinnitetään huomiota vasta silloin, kun se ei toimi. Epäpuhdas toimisto aiheuttaa seurauksia toimistossa työskenteleville. Ihmiset eivät viihdy työpaikalla, sisäilmaongelmat lisääntyvät, sairauspoissaolot lisääntyvät ja työn tuottavuus heikkenee.

Näistä ongelmista huolimatta ammattitaitoisesta toimistosiivouksesta ei haluta maksaa. Valitaan halvin mahdollinen tekijä, joka yleensä tarkoittaa myös kouluttamattomia siivoojia, huonoja asiakassuhteita, epärehellisyyttä ja huonolaatuista työnjälkeä.

Why choose Siskon Siivous?

A Truly comprehensive cleaning service
You can fully outsource your cleaning to us. Our skilled and trained cleaners ensure that your premises are left clean, presentable, and ready for use after each cleaning session.
Responsible cleaning
We take care of our employees’ working conditions and ensure their well-being. We continuously optimize routes to reduce the CO2 emissions of our vehicles. The products and tools we use are environmentally friendly, minimizing chemical usage to protect surfaces and reduce chemical exposure. We also offer completely chemical-free cleaning solutions.
Cost-effective and tailored cleaning services
Our services are customized to meet your needs and budget. We ensure the right service level and use the latest technologies, such as mechanical cleaning methods, microfibers, and robotics, to improve efficiency and precision. We also use tools like visitor counters to monitor actual cleaning needs, achieving cost savings.
Dedicated contact person
You’ll have a dedicated contact person who is easy to reach and can handle all your concerns. This ensures quick responses to your needs and smooth communication.
Consistent, familiar cleaner
We believe that every employee should take pride in their work and workplace every day. By prioritizing employee well-being, we have exceptionally low absenteeism and turnover rates.
Trained personnel
All our employees receive comprehensive onboarding, focusing on respect for the client and excellent service. By the end of 2024, every supervisor and manager will hold a professional qualification and a workplace safety card.

Siskon Siivous

"Working with Siskon Siivous is easy and smooth. Our office is just as clean as we agreed! Cleaning is done on time and the staff is nice."

Pauliina Luukkainen

"Our office is always tidy! We have our own designated cleaner and our needs are listened to. We value planning, quality, flexibility and taking care of your employees!"

Ingela Lindroos

"The cleaners always come to work with a smile on their faces. What we like most is that there is very little turnover! You have a set a standard for quality service."

Turkka Huhtala
Filmlike Oy

"We have a good and straightforward relationship with the person responsible for us. The price-quality ratio is right and I feel that people genuinely want to know us."

Anna Berglind

"We can see the results of good cleaning work in concrete terms! The cooperation is of high quality, it is easy to discuss and agree on things. I warmly recommend Siskon Siivous."

Susanna Kanttura
As Oy Raision Viheriäistentammi

"We have 20 000 visitors a year and that makes high demands on cleaning. Cooperation is straightforward and the professionalism and well-being of the staff are taken care of. We can concentrate on our work."

Michael Nyman
The Helsinki Bourse Club

"I've always been able to get in touch with the right person quickly and get things resolved quickly. Thanks to all the cleaners in our hotel for their cheerful attitude. You have a great "can do" attitude!"

Emmi Silvasti
Hotelli Korpilampi

Emergency cleaning pricing

The price of on-call cleaning depends on, among other things, the time of the cleaning and the complexity of the cleaning. Please contact us!

How Office Cleaning Services Work?

Get in touch with us and request a quote.
Our sales representative will contact you no later than the next business day. We’ll conduct an additional assessment of your needs and preferences. If necessary, our representative will visit your premises.
Based on the assessment, we’ll provide you with a cost-effective quote.
Once you approve the quote, we’ll sign a contract. Immediately after, we’ll finalize the service details and schedule a kick-off meeting.
We will have a kick-off meeting with you. During the meeting, attended by our service manager and supervisor, we’ll review key details such as safety procedures, specific requests, meeting practices, the annual schedule for infrequent tasks, and familiarize ourselves with the premises.
After a suitable period following the service start, we’ll conduct a joint quality inspection at your premises and make any necessary adjustments to the collaboration.

Helppo ja toimiva toimistosiivous Siskon Siivoukselta

Meillä on ison talon resurssit, mutta pienen talon palvelutaso. Meidät tavoittaa helposti ja asioihin reagoidaan nopeasti. Liity tyytyväisten asiakkaidemme joukkoon jo tänään!

High-quality cleaning services for businesses for 30 Years

Founded in 1994, Siskon Siivous has grown from a family business into a versatile expert in the cleaning industry, offering comprehensive cleaning services for businesses.

Our employees are the heart and cornerstone of our service. We take great care of our team, ensuring their well-being and providing them with continuous training. This is why people want to work with us and why they enjoy being part of our team. Satisfied employees are the key to delivering exceptional cleaning quality.
Siskon Siivous.

Nationwide cleaning services for businesses

Our offices are located in Helsinki, Tampere, Turku, and Porvoo, but we serve clients across Finland. In smaller towns, we collaborate with local, reliable small business owners who meet our strict quality standards. This ensures top-quality service for all our clients nationwide.

The quality and consistency of our services are guaranteed by our supervisors and service managers, who oversee service delivery and uphold Siskon Siivous' operational principles for all clients.
Siskon Siivous.

Service guarantee for all cleaning services

We promise to fulfill our cleaning commitments exactly as agreed. This is ensured by our exceptional supervisors, service managers, skilled cleaners, and a comprehensive onboarding program. Should any quality issues arise, we guarantee to address and resolve them within 24 hours.

The professionalism, well-being, and job satisfaction of our staff are central to customer satisfaction and our service guarantee. We employ permanent staff, provide extensive training, personalized development plans, and encourage continuous improvement. Supervisors support employee well-being daily, and we regularly monitor job satisfaction. Our low absence rates and long-term employment relationships reflect our strong HR practices.

Contact us!

Request a quote or ask for more information! Fill out and submit the form on the side, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Looking for a job?

PLEASE CLICK HERE! Please note we only accept applications received through our recruitment system.

© 2024 Siskon Siivous Oy
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Are you looking for a reliable partner for cleaning services?
Siskon Siivous.
Most of our customers recommend us, and the reason is clear: we deliver on what we promise.

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